*A stands for Ariana, and B stands for Briana:
Birth Names:
1. Ariana Mason
2. Briana Mason
Double Trouble or (DT), Scully and Mulder, Dumb and Dumber.
A: 56
B: 56
Age at Ghouldom:
A: 16
B: 16
Age of Embrace:
A: 36
B: 36
Clan/Bloodline: Toreador Antitribu
Sire: Thane Cateneo
A: Sabbat
B: Sabbat
A: Tenth Generation
B: Tenth Generation
Path of Enlightenment:
A. Path of Cathari
B: Path of Cathari
A: English, Italian
B: English, Italian
Derangement(s): Neither Arianna nor Brianna have any Derangements.
A: Auspex1, Presence1, Fortitude1, Animalism
B: Auspex1, Presence1, Fortitude1, Animalism
Status in the Sabbat:
A: Sister
B: Sister
(Any status/reputation should go here, along with anything pertaining to clan friendships/rivalries, or anything relevant to how your sect mates might perceive or view you.)
DT: Ariana and Briana Mason are a pair of identical twins, who have been fused back to back by means of the Kindred powers of Fleshcraft, as a punishment for severely messing up a mission they were given as ghouls for the Sabbat some twenty years ago.
Being Conjoined: Someone has to take the lead, and someone else has to walk backwards whenever the twins want to go somewhere. This may seem like a no brainer, but obviously, Ariana and Briana can’t both lead DT, nor can both of them assume the Caboose position. Its just impossible. If only one person were to be the lead all the time, or if the caboose couldn't figure out she needed to walk backwards and keep up with her other half, lots of problems could arise from this, and that is why the girls created a system, and practiced it so that they would be less handicapped than one might think they are.
The Lead: Eventually it was decided that Ariana would be the lead because she seemed to be better able to balance the weight of them both as they walked then Briana was able to. She also was better at handling the social aspects of their condition than Briana, which was another reason that she was chosen to serve as DT's lead.
The Caboose: Briana’s movements seemed more smooth and fluent when she ‘walked backwards,” allowing her sister to take the lead. They soon discovered that this was more natural for them both and it is the routine they stick to. If they ever were to be seperated, Briana would have a hard time learning to walk forward once again.
The Flaws and Merits:
Arianna was less affected emotionally then her sister was when they were taken during the Rave. Her flaws are different in nature, and go back to her childhood.
Low Self Image: Arianna has always secretly believed she was not good enough, and she is haunted by instances of her own failures.
Pitiable: There is something about Ariana which others tend to pity. For some it is the fact that she has to walk around for a hundred years with Briana at her back (literally). For others it is the fact that she has such a twisted man for a sire. Others feel that way for their own reasons, and she has learned to take advantage of it.
Intolerance: Arianna does not like failure in other people. In herself however, she is more likely to place the blame upon someone else than to take the personal responsibility for what she has done.
Overconfidence: Brianna has an over-exagerrated sense of her own worth, and it tends to get her into trouble.
Briana was more emotionally influenced by the Rave where she and her sister were taken than her sister. As a direct result of that incident she has the following Flaws:
Phobia: Fear of Masks, especially Masquerade Masks. As you can imagine, Halloween is a time of deep anxiety for Briana.
Flashbacks: Briana sometimes has flashbacks of the Rave where she and her sister were taken, and forced to serve the Sabbat.
Hatred of Tzimisce: Brianna hates the fiends, and now she is in a position, because of the flesh-crafting punishment, and her embrace by a Sabbat member, where she will have no choice but to deal with fiends in the future.
A: Arianna has learned how to use both hands equally well over the years spent as DT.
B: Brianna has learned how to concentrate even when there is a lot of noise around her.
First Impression:
DT: The first thing everyone notices about Ariana and Briana Mason is the Obvious Thing. When two people are fused together back to back, like Rachipagus Twins, you'd have to be stupid not to notice that.
(If your character uses a certain alias, has a noticeable tick or otherwise attempts to present themselves in a specific way, place it here; this section can entail physical or social descriptions.)
DT: Ariana and Briana were joined in such perfect symmetry as to rival nature. There do not appear to be any scars on their bodies from the surgery performed by the fiends to join them together, but if you were to keenly inspect their bodies you would noticed a couple of barely noticeable scars from the surgical part of the process. The part of the process accomplished by Fleshcrafting was done so well though it looks like something these two were born with.
When Ariana and Briana entered the service of their Regent and later sire Thane Cateneo as ghouls, Thane decided to ensure once and for all that his chew toys, as he so fondly called them, couldn’t play identity tricks on the other pack members who did not have the means to read their minds to tell them apart. He had two small brands crafted, one with the letter A , and the other with the letter B. Each twin has a scar representing the first letter of her first name on her left shoulder so that they can always be told apart.
(This should sum up your character’s physical appearance and how they dress; any distinguishing features or merits/flaws that affect appearance should be detailed here as well. )
A: Arianna was pushed harder than her twin her entire childhood, and eventually when she was forced into a position of servitude of the Sabbat. More was always expected of Arianna, and her psyche didn’t not handle the pressure well.
Arianna pushed her self harder than anyone else ever pushed her. Secretly, she felt as if all of her sisters failings, as well as her own, were her fault, and she harbors great guilt in relationship to the loss of the twins’ older sister Carla, whom they assume was killed at the Rave where she was taken.
Arianna tries to divert others from noticing how bad she feels about herself by pushing them to perfection. She figures if she diverts the attention away from herself, that other people are less likely to notice her inadequecies.
Arianna hates the Sabbat she serves as much as she loves the Sect. She fears and loves her sire, who is slightly insane and completely obsessed with dictating every aspect of the lives of Arianna and her sister Brianna. Ultimately however she will be loyal to the Sabbat, because she sees wisdom in their philosophies and there ultimate goals. Loyalty to the Sect outweighs her loyalty to her sister, whom she couldn’t exactly be told to love at this point, as too much has happened for her to maintain such mortal ties. Its mostly out of a sense of duty and nostaliga, and necessity that she watches out for Brianna.
Briana believes she is one bad ass bitch. The trouble is, she isn’t. That false belief was probably the main cause of Briana and her sister being flesh-crafted together, but as she reminds the Self-Righteous Arianna, she was not totally without blame. Having a better idea on how to deal with a mission and bringing it up after you already have completely messed up what you are supposed to do, isn’t brilliance. It’s stupidity, and its a cop out. Playing the Blame Game never fixed anything.
Brianna has a temper, and a tendency to stick her foot in her mouth. In fact she irritated the first Tzimisce she came in contact with so much, he wanted to actually removed her foot and attach it to her mouth. Good thing she had a sire that was territorial, even thought he could hardly be said to care about either Brianna or her sister Arianna.
Brianna is more fanatical about the Sects goals than her sister. She loves being Sabbat through and through, even though sometimes she hates the politics or the people she has to work with, most especially her sister Arianna. But at the same time, she loves her sister and is fiercely loyal to her, more than any living being.
A: Arianna has come to believe that love is weakness, and she does not feel attachment towards any being she is surrounded by. Mostly, she believes she has never met anyone worthy of such a weakness, but also, she believes she can best serve the Sabbat without it.
Arianna will kill or maim any human who starts to show affection towards her, given she can do so without being found out. She detests such depth of emotion, and wants to make it stop regardless of cost.
B: Brianna is unusually cruel to others. She insults people whenever she can, and twists their words against them, and if you got a secret, forget it, you might as well be posting it in the newspaper.
Brianna is more likely to leave prey alive, and messed up in the head because of what she has done to them then her sister is. She finds it entertaining to watch humans try and wrap their brains around what she has done to the,.
Brianna still believes in love, she just is not going to let that be common knowledge. After all secrets can be weaknesses, and allowing people to know your weaknesses is intolerable.
Feeding Preferences: Neither Arianna nor Brianna have any feeding preferences outside of the fact Arianna is more likely than Brianna to kill her prey, otherwise they take their blood where they can most easily get it.
DT: Ariana and Briana were born on December 12th in Bismark, North Dakota to Mary and Michael Mason. Briana came into this earth 3 minutes after Ariana, making Ariana the eldest twin. Both are identical.
Like most sets of twins, Ariana and Briana sometimes dressed alike, and liked to play games fooling their parents, relatives and friends by one trying to pretend to be the other. Their father was easily fooled, but their mother could always tell her daughters apart inspite of their best efforts to the contrary.
Ariana and Briana went to school in North Dakota from preschool up until their Sophmore Year of High School, when Mr. Mason moved his family to Saint Paul because of a work opportunity he had been offered there.
The twins lived a pretty normal life up until the day of their sixteenth birthday. Ariana and Briana had heard from a friend who heard from a friend who heard from a friend, that there was a secret awesome party going on in one of the rougher parts of the city.
Ariana and Briana had been to parties before, their mother and father had no issues with them having a social life, but their parents had some pretty strict rules regarding their daughters social lives.
1. The pair always had to go everywhere together. Mr. and Mrs. Mason believed that if
Ariana, the more level headed of the two twins, was always with Briana, that nothing bad would ever happen to their daughters.
2. Ariana or Briana had to check in with their mother and father every time they were out somewhere, at least one before the night was over, and texting wouldn’t do, it had to be a voice mail or a direct phone call.
3. Certain areas of St. Paul were off limites, and they could never go to Minneappolis without their twenty year old sister Carla.
4. Ariana and Briana could only ride in the car of the daughter of one of Mr. Mason’s coworkers, Shanice, their older sister Carla, or they had to ride the bus to get to where they wanted to go.
The night of Ariana and Briana’s sixteenth birthday party, Carla lied to her parents, and told them that she was taking them to a local church to a pizza party for their birthday, and because her parents thought she was trustworthy, as every other time she lied to them, neither parent suspected a thing.
It was true, in a sense. Ariana and Briana, and Carla did go to a church, and there even was pizza there, but that was were the truthfulness of Carla’s words ended. This wasn’t wholesome Christian fellowship, it was far, far from it. This Old broken down church was the site of a Secret Rave. The Church had not been used in at least twenty years, and the teens and young adults who were there, were there illegally, dancing, getting high, and drinking themselves into a stupor. Carla had stretched the truth, and she had done so without any guilt at the action.
After about a half an hour of loud blaring music, flashing lights, skinny dipping in the old baptismal pool, and ‘Side Parties’ taking place in the rooms adjacent to the sanctuary and sometimes even well in sight of everyone else, a group of five people entered the church. Three women and two men, wearing hand crafted Masquerade Ball Masks. The two dark haired women were both dressed in punk attire, sleeveless green tank tops and khaki colored short shorts that contrasted with their black masks., The blonde woman was wearing an open front long black gothic style trenchcoat, and purple velvet piece of gothic lingerie that covered only her bathing suit bits, while the blonde man wore a matching trench coat that was hooked at the front, with bits of a black shirt and black pants still visible underneath.
The four immediately caught the attention of the party goers because they walked through the rave, pushing those who were in their way out of the way, forcing hard kisses on the men, and the women they seemed to fancy, and the male even pushed the D.J out of the way and changed the radio station to something far darker and more sinister then this group of mostly Preppy Ravers had been listening to before.
Carla was still sober enough to have a very, very bad feeling about this, and so she tried pushing her way towards her sisters, so they she could tell them it was time they were leaving. She found Ariana easily, she was dancing up on top of the altar with some girl she had just met. Carla grabbed her hand, and ignored her protests as she drug her through the crowd, avoiding the newcomers who were making her extremely nervous.
She found Briana in the back making out with some guy she had just met. Carla exploded in anger at her sister, and if she had not done that, maybe the three of them could have escaped out the back door. But by the time Briana had begrudingly agreed to leaving, the back door to the church was barred shut, and the only exit now was the front door, which was surrounded by the Masked Intruders.
Carla tried calling her parents, but there suddenly was no cell phone reception. She asked Ariana to try her phone, but Ariana realized she had dropped her phone on the altar. Briana had left her phone in the car, so there was no way for any of them to call for help.
The three sisters started bickering with each other over who to blame, when the fifth man, if he could be called a man, entered the club., making a simple gesture unnoticed by nearly everyone in the church, except for Carla and her sisters.
This straggler also wore a mask, but he was not sporting a gothic or punk or any other kind of human clothing style. In fact he was wearing very little clothing at all over his slender pale form. His chest was mostly bare, covered only in criss crossing straps that appeared to be some kind of fetish clothing. He wore a pair of cut off stone wash jean shorts that seemed to meld into his flesh, because upon closer inspection, they did meld into his flesh.
But his clothing was far from the freakiest thing about this man. Protrustions of bone seemed to emerge from his skin, tacking the leather strap suspender he wore into place, and his long slender fingers had been fashioned into talons made of bone, the ring finger of the left hand also boasting of a ruby red jewel, that was a part of the mans fingers. He removed his mask, revealing his face for all to see, the gesture the others were waiting for.
His facial features were so perfect they were hauntingly beautiful, and his lips pursed into a twisted smile before he gave a signal, and the rest of the Masked Mauraders attacked like a group of frenzied sharks.
It only took a few moments for the five masked figures drank their way through the ravers, and the sounds of screams melding with grim music soon haunted the old church while the young people tried to get away in vain. Two of the masked figures soon flanked Carla, and dragged her away, and as Arianna and Brianna tried to help their sister, bags were tossed over there heads, and they were lead out of the church. They have served the Sabbat every night since then.
(Try to touch on your character’s mortal years, their embrace, any special tutelage and anything else relevant to the origin and rationale of your character. 2-3 paragraphs here won't kill ya.)
Domain/Haven: (If your character has a haven or domain, list a brief description and location of it – Domain cannot be taken without pre-approval; for questions, please PM Rob. Domain is defined as a piece of land or place of business)
Welcome to the Twin Cities:
Ariana and Briana Mason both arrived in St. Paul Minnesota in the year 1973, the age of sixteen, and they have served the Sabbat in the area ever since (although obviously not very well as expressed through their punishment of being flesh-crafted together.) Now they are trying to make up for their stupidity and failure so that they can be freed from their fleshcrafted prison.