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The  Ghouldom:


Jasmine found her initial adjustment to life as a ghoul difficult, mainly because of unresolved issues she had with the men in her life. At first, Jasmine did not really like Danvir. She thought he was mouthy and sexist, just like her father, and her brother Akram had been, and she made the mistake of telling him so. He responded by hitting her so hard he knocked her on her ass, and when he was done with that, Danvir forcibly cut her long dark hair, her crowning glory, and told her that she would have to earn the right to grown it back.


Quite obviously, Jasmine was very upset when Danvir cut her hair, which she considered to be her best feature. When Jasmine asked Danvir why she was being punished for speaking her mind, Danvir said this in reply to her questioning. "I do not punish thoughts as those are largely outside of control. Blatant disrespect I will never tolerate. There will not be a next time."


After that incident, Jasmine learned respect for Danvir, never talking back to him again. She also learned to let go of her pride in her appearance, and her obsession with having her hair perfect, having learned the intended lesson, that appearances did not matter. But it was almost six years before Danvir stopped arranging her hair into a short, masculine coiffure as a punishment for her disrespect in her early days of ghouldom.


The linguistic lessons she received from Danvir and the few other mentors she had during this time were far better than she ever could have gotten, even at one of the top human schools, so she easily adjusted to the idea that she was not going to become a Linguistics Professor and get a Doctorate the way she had initially thought she would. She now had opprotunities to learn things she didn't even know were there for the learning, and quickly enough, she became obsessed with deciphering the translations and learning the codes that were presented as her tasks.


Her physical skills, while not the priority they would have been in the tutelage of an Assamite warrior, were far from neglected. She was taught the basics of hand to hand combat, and the use of common melee weapons and the use of two weapons simultaneously, and she was forced to practice what she had learned to the point of frustration. It was her ability for intense concentration, display of loyalty, respect and hard work that got her through those initial hurdles she faced as a ghoul and allowed her to be embraced.